Adventures of Heart — Happy Valentines 2025

Substack, Support Systems & Fueling the Inner Artist

At a time things are moving so fast, I’m finding it more and more stabilizing for my inner heARTIST to honor the present moment when I write. AI, is a wonderful companion for sales-ification, but I’m not sure it knows how to feel while it processes: to notice its back, its hips, its breadth, to hear the noise of the coffee shop, the tiredness in its eyes, the aliveness in its belly; to grasp its infinite and dying nature at the same time and try not to have an existential crisis in the midst of processing words that seem to make less and less sense in a fast changing world.

So here I am, full-ass human writing in Lansing, Michigan, February 14th, 2025 — preparing to publish at 4:44 pm.


Happy Valentines Day.

First, a reminder: YOU are your first VALENTINE.

Now, a couple brief and not so brief invitations to you on this V-Day:

  1. Cheat on Medium and join me in a transition to Substack this year (more on that in Part 2)
  2. Get a different quality of my energy through a weekly newsletter I’m starting focused on creating paths to work in energy, embodiment, and emergence. It’s called ‘Adventures of Heart’ and I’d love to have you. Get a taste and subscribe if it resonates: here.
  3. Consider gifting yourself something this Valentines: a session with a wild woman embodiment coach to activate your creative revolution. What does this mean? It means stepping out of the box. Creative Revolution is not just about looking into the eyes of your inner dragon, its about calling into remembrance your richest visions in life, love and relationship, holding the mind-splitting contradictions through the power of your heart, honoring the complexities of a changing world, and calling in what you need (not anyone else) to step into the unknown you yearn for. Reminder: What you seek is seeking you.

Here is what one of my clients working with me over the course of a season has to say:

I’m offering half off all activation sessions (2 hour deep dives), and season-long packages (10 60–90 minute sessions over 13 weeks) — until February 21st. Book or connect with me to learn more.

Have a restful Friday fellow co-creators. Look forward to my piece “12 Years to 12 Months,” to learn about my upcoming writing work.

With magic,


‘Adventures of Heart’ Weekly Newsletter — connecting you to opportunities in energy, embodiment, and emergence comes out on Mondays. Get a taste here.



Libby Hoffman 🦋 creative (r)evolution
Libby Hoffman 🦋 creative (r)evolution

Written by Libby Hoffman 🦋 creative (r)evolution

Innovatrix . Artist . Founder @ Elegance Lab, Liberatory Love, Fully Charged Life • embodied creative leadership • feminine liberation •

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