Intro-ing ‘Zero To One’ Coaching


“There’s only one thing more powerful than building the thing: burning it down and building it back better.” ~Victoria Washington

When my sister Mimi gave me a tour of Osaka, Japan she’d frequently refer to entire temples and structures that had crumbled in earthquakes and battles and yet been rebuilt 1, 2, 3, 8 times.

This struck me not just because US soil has limited manmade structures that date back centuries, but because building Wonders is already amazing…the thought of losing them and having to re-build them again just seemed so… hard. A true question to the meaning behind what we do.

So, on the subject of rebuilding:

Most people in my life know my love for the Fibonnacci Spiral.

Also known as the Golden Ratio, the Fibonnacci Sequence is a mathematical set of numbers where every number is added to the number before it. Graphed, it forms a spiral.

Conceptually, it is the illustration of compounding change. (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21…)

It’s is also a symbol in nature that can be found almost everywhere from seashells to the shapes of our ears.

M study of the application of this sequence expanded in 2017 upon reading Peter Theil’s “Zero to One.” While I don’t agree with Theil politically or even on a business level, I become obsessed “Zero to One” not just as a business concept but a personal and collective process for change.

The concept goes like this: its easier to go from 1 to x (ie to build a new phone once a phone has already been invented) than to from 0 to 1 (ie go from no means of telecommunication to creating it.)

I couldn’t stop seeing this concept everywhere — particularly in how we approached human health.

How differently, and more compassionately, would we approach personal and physical change if we viewed our process from this theory? Rather than shaming ourselves with questions like… “why aren’t I at a 10 already?” we might ask, “What is my 0 and how do I get to 1?” … and actually expect it to be hard. …but hard in the mathemetically challenged kind of way, not in the oh it’s impossible and I’ll just give up now kind of way.

And, if we leaned into the Fibonacci spiral for wisdom about compounding rather than incremental change: how much more patient would we be in getting from 0 to 1, knowing 5 to 8 to 21… was around the corner of that first very difficult step?


The size of the jump alone does not necessarily imply the difficulty.

In 2019, I crashed.




I hit a whole new level of 0 in my system I had never encountered before and it scared me.

And the world of my thoughts got quiet. I lived the first days of my life in full pajamas sunset to sundown. Those days turned to months and just as I was preparing for change: COVID hit. And the world joined me in the stay home and pajama thing.

And with social cut off, and work shifting, and new discourse awakening,

the 0 deepened.

And for many of us though society has “gone back to normal” and we’ve found new avenues for life and social relationship: we’re still navigating a 0 we’re still collectively being called to grapple with.

What would happen if you, if we, stuck with our 0 a little longer?

Got to know it by name?

What would “1” look like honestly?

And would be possible beyond that 1?

If this subject interests you let it sit with your system a little, and/or if you want to get in touch:

✨I am hosting two 12 Week Coaching Cohorts this fall and winter to deepen on this subject in people’s personal and home/work lives. This cohort will operate as a cohort meaning though your coaching will be personal, workshops and community opportunities will be together. We will start and get to the finish line (wherever we are personally — getting to know our 0, hitting 1, or going further) — together.

✨I am offering 30 minute calls M-F before the first start date (Oct 15) — so reach out over the next 3 weeks. 11–1 pm and 7–8 pm EST.

✨ I am hosting 1 hour somatic workshop spaces on the subject the next 3 Thursdays 7:30–8:30 pm.

To get connected contact: with your interest.



Libby Hoffman 🦋 creative (r)evolution
Libby Hoffman 🦋 creative (r)evolution

Written by Libby Hoffman 🦋 creative (r)evolution

Innovatrix . Artist . Founder @ Elegance Lab, Liberatory Love, Fully Charged Life • embodied creative leadership • feminine liberation •

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