‘Rekindling’ — Read When You Want To Bring Back Your Inner Fire
When ‘Fuck This’ Becomes Mantra
There’s a popular phrase amongst women guiding one other back to our bodies.
The phrase is “REWILDING.”
I look forward to retreats and live-in-person events where I can continue to be a part of this and eventually co-facilitate it… in the collectives we are made to heal with, in nature, in dedicated space and time.
For now, as I witness the work happening in my own 1–1 spaces with Creative Visionaries, Future Seers, and Humble/Open/Bold/Edgy Lovers bringing themselves to the Table of Life and Love saying “I belong here…”
I have a different phrase for what I’m undergoing and welcoming:
I call it “re-kindling”…because this fire, has been here the whole (excuse my french) fucking time.
And not a child-in-leaders-clothing on this planet can put it out.
Not a child-in-trauma’s-clothing in this body-mind can put it out.
Not a child-grasping-reigns in the relationships we wish to grow can put it out.
Damage us? yes. Create catastrophic consequences? yes. Harm? yes. Belittle, demean, even at times devour…? yes.
Our inner children are strong. I’ll give them that.
And a child with power, is deadly.
But most of our inner children — the ones who lived “then” in our young lives, and the ones living now as we encounter a new age not knowing how to do or be — are desperate to be TRUSTED.
The children in us, want to be loved, and want to learn. They want to uncover new skills and live wildly beyond their limits. They want to direct their fire with love and justice, peace and courage, power and play, devotion and detachment… or at least mine do. And I’ve met enough others now to know: the rekindling is inescapable once you claim it.
It’s my belief that as we reclaim our own power, so will we remember our capacity to turn the social power being wielded against us, into the flame that fuels our fate.
If you have a voice in you screaming, “It doesn’t have to be this way,” and another screaming back, “Leave me alone and let me be!” …You’re not alone.
And you’re right.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
And it makes perfect sense to want to hide under the covers.
But please consider, there are even better things than being left alone.
The “this” we are coming through requires healing in relationship and collectives since we’ve been traumatized in relationship and collectives… The spaces are still being created — and need stewarding. Is your fire being called here?
The “this” we are opening to has room for all of you in a way the upbringing you were raised in, the love you’ve been demonstrated didn’t… We’re learning how to live it, and we’re practicing. Is your fire beckoning to try?
The “this” that we are — includes you and is not absent of you… and we miss you when you’re absent. This, is me speaking to your fire. Aren’t you tired of being stored away? Are you ready to show us a new version of what we can be and become?
1–1 coaching work is just one entry-point to being able to be with all“this” in a different way. But this is where original, un-ordinary love gets to unfold, first with ourselves, then with everyone and everything around us.
If you’d like to try 1–1 coaching in a place that WELCOMES your parts, your complexities, your deepest desires, your deadened-but-ready-to-be-revived dreams… my work at LIBERATORY LOVE and ELEGANCE LAB are here to serve you.
Whether in opening the heart, approaching creative wholeness, or collaborating on something new… Let’s rekindle the fire we need to fuel the flame of our fate, starting with what is ours to reclaim.
Connect for details.
With magic,
Creatrix Libby
Feb 07 2025
“Everything is perfect, including my desire for it to be different.” — shamanic principle
“Let thy soul glow with the flame of this Undying Fire …that the waters of the universe will be powerless to cool down its ardor.” — Baháʼu’lláh
“Fuck this” — everyone ever who chose to be/do better than the status quo we were born into