To Be Transformed — A Vision
Starting a Relationship Coaching Program based in nervous system/trauma healing with a Tantric/Taoist-inspired approach this year has given me the opportunity to do something I have always loved to do— dive deep into emotions — but with a new method. From the time I was young I used words and writing to soothe and heal. It has taken work to rewire and allow processing to happen at a much deeper level, not just through cognitive thought but through deep presence with the physical body. After 8 months of this, I sat to write out a vision for myself as a I continue to do this personal work and desire to offer space to serve others with the tools. The vision became a poem, and the poem, an expression of how I hope to work with my body and our collective body as we too, learn to be more holisitically with the body of earth in this great time of transition we are all living through. If you interested in this style of coaching/somatic therapy, collective healing work, and empowering yourself to lead in spaces of great challenge, difficulty and unknown, don’t hesitate to reach out to me at libhof dot designs at gmail dot com.
I trusted myself,
and found truth.
I lived in my truth,
and found fear.
And with truth and terror
in dual persistance —
I became the experiencer,
and the eye-witness.
It was a storm of anxiety,
a whirling of stress,
It was a fire of love,
A burning unrest.
Sorrow, pressure
anguish and pain.
Power, passion,
pleasure and play.
And the air changed…
The waters flowed.
The fires burned.
The earth shook.
And I stood.
I listened,
and felt —
Body, breath,
heaven, hell.
I wept and
I raged,
I stumbled.
I fell.
And the moment became…
So honest,
so frightening,
so full.
Heart beating,
Sweat beaded
and chills.
And I stilled…
Then, the dark
and the silence
so scary to me —
became the womb,
and the lifeforce,
the mother
that carried me.
And I was remade.
Truth turned to water
And fear into flames,
a new energy
breathed through my fragile frame.
And when struggle
and stuckness
and stubbornness
collapsed me,
Silence surrounded,
a reminder in being:
“Show up to the storm,
there’s no need to roam,
all your wisdom is here,
let it lead you home.”
And I became fire
crackling with light.
I became earth
with trembling, with might.
I became water,
in stillness, in roar.
I became wind,
the breath, and the soul.
And I,
I was transformed
by it all.